William Arendell, LCSW

There is help!

Do you have trouble with Feeling Overwhelmed or Not Having Enough Energy?

Do you Repeatedly Lose ThingsProcrastinate or have Trouble Concentrating?   

Do you have Trouble Sleeping

If you think you have issues with the following, click the link for more information: Depression, ADHD?

Join us for the Living Unleashed Radio Show live every Tuesday and 5pm central time on KLAV in Las Vegas.  Hypnotist Kevin LePine and Therapist Will Arendell LCSW teach you to live unleashed.   Kevin interviews regular people who have achieved their goals. Afterward Will makes a more in depth analysis and gives practical suggestions as to how to achieve your goals.  What makes this show different is that these are not amazing people doing amazing things, but regular people doing amazing things.  People who have stepped out and achieved their dreams, whether that is a great marriage or a different kind of job.  Whatever makes them happy.  Join to learn what held them back in the begging and how they achieved their goals.  Join us every Tuesday to learn to Live Unleashed.   

Arenhealth LLC.           The offices of William Arendell, LCSW           We Can Help!           504.358.0377